The Year of the Horse 2 ounce silver coin (Year of the Horse), is a coin from the popular Lunar II series. This silver coin is characterised by its outstanding beauty and careful workmanship. The Year of the Horse collector coin is an ideal capital hedge, as the value of the Lunar series coins increases year on year and you do not have to worry about capital loss. The obverse of the coin depicts the likeness of Queen Elizabeth II along with information on the weight, year and country of issue. The reverse of the silver coin depicts horses, which refers to the Chinese zodiac sign. The Australian Mint began production of the Lunar II series coins in 2008 with the Year of the Rat coin. It wasn't long before the Lunar II series was considered more successful than the Lunar I, which has a direct bearing on their collector value, so the coins in this series are an excellent way to invest in precious metals.